A general purpose holder for things I want to say but are not associated with travel.
Washing Machine
By Chris on 28.05.2021, 20:37
This is the conversation that we had by email over the course of several days.
Before I write a review of this item and give you a rating on ebay I would like to give you the opportunity of responding to my comments.
I used the washing machine for a couple of hours yesterday and was pleased with the results. However, today after the first wash the washing machine motor started to crackle and smell and ceased to turn. It is now unusable. Is this normal or have I got a faulty machine?
chris giles
Dear Customer,
Hello! Maybe the machine is malfunctioning. We want to compensate you to make up for your loss. This is our sincerity! Are you willing to accept it?
Allen from Customer Service Department
Any compensation would be gratefully received and dramatically change my review
chris giles
Dear Customer,
We want to provide a refund of £15 to make up for your loss. Are you willing to accept our sincerity?
Allen from Customer Service Department
Yes. £15.00 is a gesture which I can include in my review of your company and the product
chris giles
Dear Customer,
Hello! We want to know, are you satisfied with the 15 GBP compensation? We want to know what you think, because we sincerely want you to be satisfied.
Allen from Customer Service Department
A full refund would give me the confidence to give a good review. Failing a full refund I would settle for a refund of £35.99, half of the cost of the item as I do have a functioning spin drier, half of what I wanted. I can hand wash items and still spin them. Your kind offer of compensation would be noted in my review of the product and company.
chris giles
Dear Customer,
Hello! If we provide you with a full refund without your return, would you like to leave us positive feedback? We are expecting a reply!
Allen from Customer Service Department
If you provide a full refund then I would definitely give a positive review of the service provided by yourselves
chris giles
Dear Customer,
Hello! We have refunded you in full. You will receive your refund within three working days! Looking forward to your positive feedback.
Allen from Customer Service Department
Rear decking
By Chris on 17.05.2021, 15:17

Improving the access to the engine bay so that I can get at the engine, batteries, calorifier, bilge pumps etc. without having to crouch down under the side decking and contorting myself so that it takes me several minutes to unwind my body when I eventually emerge from the dungeon of the engine pit was one of my targets for this year. Well, it has been done.

Before alterations, a single (heavy) board that I had difficulty lifting and difficult to climb under the side areas when inside.
Now that the work has been done the boards are small enough to lift easily and I can get to everything.
Note the five boards, three down the middle and one either side.
Where have all the newspapers gone? |
By Chris on 07.04.2021, 11:16 |
Before lock down I used to catch the bus into town (any town) at least twice a week and usually I would get a copy of Metro. Sadly this has not happened for a long time now with surprising ramifications.
The newspaper was first of all read, then the crossword and sudoku puzzles completed. Occasionally I/we would have ago at the word circle.
Some time later the paper would be used for lighting the fire or washing the windows. Although we do not have much stuff packed away, what is in storage is protected by crumpled up newspaper. And talking about crumpled up newspaper that is what we use for drying wet shoes maintaining their shape and it helps to keep them smelling nice by getting rid of that sweaty sock aroma. I also use the newspapers for lining my clothes drawers and cupboard shelves, and they need replacing on a regular basis.
Newspaper at the bottom of the fruit and vegetable drawer in your fridge helps absorb any mess from rotten produce, and keeps the drawer smell free.
Let's not forget that newspapers are indispensable for protecting surfaces whilst painting and varnishing (a continuous process on a boat) and make a good replacement for rags for cleaning the brushes and rollers afterwards. In fact good for mopping up spills of any sort.
Newspaper is good for clearing up broken glass because you can pick up and wrap the larger pieces for safe disposal and by blotting the uncleared area with a few sheets of wet newspaper the shards of glass will stick to the damp wad of paper.
From time to time we have used tightly rolled up newspapers as logs to give the fire a quick boost and never forget the endless fun that can be had making papier mache models.
Oh, I am so looking forward to catching the bus into town to do the shopping and picking up a couple of copies of the Metro on the way, then perhaps, when I have built up a store of old newspapers, life will take on some sort of normality.
I just want a matching pair. |
By Chris on 25.03.2021, 11:07 |
Where to start.

First week in January I booked a telephone appointment with my doctor about my swollen leg and ankle. During the consultation I was asked, along with a lot of other questions, if I had suffered any injuries to my leg recently, to which I replied no. I was asked to send pictures of my legs from my smart phone, but I am not that clued up so I sent them via old fashioned email. I was prescribed antibiotics for five days.
A week later there was no change, if anything slightly worse, so I booked another telephone consultation, after sending both early morning and late evening pictures of my legs. More questions and a seven day course of antibiotics prescribed, which were to be collected from a pharmacy at Hinckley. I believe that the doctor was a locum and he completely ignored my request to provide them at the Hinckley pharmacy and sent them to Bosworth Pharmacy instead. At this point I was moored close to my mooring at Burton Hastings, not too far from Hinckley but a long way from Market Bosworth.
I would have been happy to cruise for a day or so to Market Bosworth to get the antibiotics but my engine was playing up so first I phoned the pharmacy and got he prescription moved to Hinckley, then I phoned River and Canal Rescue (RCR) who provide my breakdown cover and organised a call out. One of the services offered by RCR is to collect any urgent supplies required like a loaf of bread, or a pint of milk and so on. Maybe I stretched it a little bit but the engineer was happy to collect my prescription. Bonus.
He arrived and sorted out my engine starting problems.
I did not check the contents of the prescription box, well why would I? but after four days I realised that I only had enough tablets for five days. Not a lot I could do about that now.
Finished what I could of the course and gave it another few days to take full effect. Still no change.
More photos and another consultation. By this time I had remembered that sometime last October early November I had fallen over in my boat whilst carrying a big heavy saw table. I threw that out of my way but landed heavily on my right knee, which swelled up and was inordinately tender for three or four days but then subsided and went away. (No damage to the saw table.)
Anyway, I mentioned this to the consulting doctor who immediately said 'Ring 999'.

I did. I was asked for my location which I gave as a WhatThreeWords location. The emergency operative sounded a little confused but after checking with a colleague cottoned on. Several question later I was told that I should get the district nurse from my practice to call on me. I explained that this could not happen as I was many miles from my practice and on a boat. The operative arranged to send an ambulance but NOT a blues and twos as it was not an emergency. It arrived about an hour later, but on the wrong side of the canal. We shouted back and forth for a while and eventually I started Iowner and battered my way through two inches of ice on the canal to get to them. Into the ambulance where I was checked over, good cardiograph readings, good oxygen levels in my blood but they still wanted to get me to hospital to give me a blood clot busting jab.
Shimmied back across the canal, packed an overnight bag and walked along the tow path to meet the ambulance at the nearest bridge. The ambulance people met me half way along the tow path and agreed that it might have been better to use the other bridge that was a little further away but the tow path was not six inches of mud to wade through. It was so bad the D'fer could not negotiate it and was taken back to the boats.
Into the ambulance and I and the guy who met me spent the next 20 minutes scraping the mud off our shoes and trousers before it was deemed sufficiently clean to proceed to the hospital.
Off we went, arrived at the emergency department and I was seen within about ten minutes, blood taken, a wait of about half an hour with the result that I had a blood clot in my leg.
I was given the shot to dissolve it and told to return the following day to have an ultrasound scan to see what the clot was blocking.
Cut a long story short, had the scan, no clot found, the jab had done its work, return in week for a checkup. Off to Rugby to get my Covid jab, Back to Nuneaton for the follow up scan, still nothing. Told to go back to GP to sort out the swollen leg again.
Yet another phone consultation, another course of antibiotics (a full seven days this time) a follow up consultation and a referral to a specialist, which is yet to take place.
Ramblings |
By Chris on 02.04.2021, 15:25 |
One of the side effects of the lock down has been not being able to go shopping at the charity shops. I'm running out of clothing. I just have two pairs trousers that are decent enough to wear and only 3 pairs of underpants left, although I have been able to purchase a dozen pairs of socks online.
Thank goodness we are approaching the warmer weather when I can start wearing shorts.
Looking out of the side hatch this morning at the birds flying across the sky with sticks in they're mouths and not just any old stick it had to be the right stick brought home the fact that it really is Spring.
I've looked online during my weekly supermarket shop for underpants without success, so I guess that particular item of clothing is 'non-essential'. Perhaps I should look on ebay.
I think I am turning into Victor Meldrew. I am having so many 'I don't believe it' moments and then making a complaint to somebody or other about whatever it is that his caught my attention. The Census, registering to vote, Sainsbury's.
I did a shop with Sainsbury's and two items were substituted and I was charged the full value of the replacement. Apparently if that happens they issue a voucher to redeem at your next shop. What happens if you do not shop there again? their price promise goes out the window.
I wanted to point this out to them so looked for their contact details.
Contact methods are: By phone, Via Facebook, Via Twitter, or Via BSL.
I do not have any social media accounts (and do not want one, I don't want to be bombarded by fake news). I am partially deaf, so the phone can be a real trial, but there is NO email option.
I rang them and explained my situation, a) the contact options and b)the voucher position.
I was told I would receive an email detailing the voucher I would receive (see, they do have email).
I got the email, which had a link to their terms and conditions - which, I might say, stated quite clearly that in the event of substitutions I would receive an email with the Voucher Code that I could use with my next shop. That voucher code has not arrived yet, but since I have emailed them and pointed out this discrepancy they may correct it.
I did write to a battery supplier pointing out that their instructions tell you NOT to use gloves while handling their product and asked what I should use instead to protect me from the acids, and received a reply thanking me for pointing out the error and that they have now corrected it. (One up to me).