
Little things that have amused me from time to time.


A couple of years ago I was walking back from the shops when I noticed a woman on her boat with a cat. She was nattering away to the cat, telling it about something or other and you could see by the body language that she really believed that the cat understood everything that she was saying. I avoided eye contact with her as I continued on my way as I did not want to put her out of countenance. However, when I got back to my boat I told D'fer all about it and we had a real laugh together.

Little dog, Big duck

It's that quiet on the canals at the moment and has been for quite a long time with very few boats going travelling. So I'm cruising along and there's a dog coming in the opposite direction. I could tell it was still just a youngster because as soon as it saw the boat it did a classic double take, stepped back, looked twisted its head and I could see it saying to itself 'What the **** is that coming towards me'. It backed off and took another quizzical look as if to say “I've never seen a duck that big before, I'm not tangling with that.” I shouted to the woman “has he never seen a boat before?” “no” she said you're the first one we've seen in months. I quite made my day. 

Bouncy Dog

I was walking along the Towpath and there was a woman was walking along towards me with two little dogs about the size of chihuahuas. They were bouncing up and down, running backwards and forwards, scurrying here and there like little dogs do when one of them just leapt into the canal. I was quite taken aback.

The woman walked over quite calmly, bent down, grabbed the dog, lifted out of the canal put it back on the towpath, where is carried on racing around. I couldn't help it I just had to ask what was that all about and she told me that the dog is blind. Thoroughly enjoys it's life but every now and again needs a little help.

African Grey

A boat went past this morning with a parrot in a cage  in the cratch. It immediately reminded me of the African Grey that a friend  was given many years ago. He picked it up on the Friday and both he and his wife retired to bed for the rest of the weekend with a cold.

Come Monday morning when they both surfaced the parrot was coughing like a goodun.

That reminded me of the time that mum and Peter went to Butterfly world and stopped to look at the macaws. Mum gave a little chuckle and one of the macaws chuckled back, exactly like mum. Of course that set her off laughing, which encouraged the macaw to laugh. Well we all know how catching a laugh can be, they were at it for ages.


A few years ago I was moored up in Manchester and decided to go for a walk. Almost as soon as I got away from the canal I was captivated by the skyline and the architecture up there. Spending all my time on the canal I do not see very many tall buildings or roof lines with chimneys and gutters and cornices. So I was wandering along with my gaze skywards minding my own business when a couple of young men, probably in their 30's, approached me and asked me if I was OK and did I need any help in getting home. I realised that I must have looked like an elderly gentleman, totally lost and probably confused and in need of assistance. I thanked them but explained that I was 'in command' and just admiring the architecture.