

1st president.pasta.reinforce - 11 3/4 miles 3 locks - Willoughby

Totally forgot that Clive was visiting yesterday, well not actually visiting but he had some work to do on a boat at the locks. We had a brief chat as we were passing through. I felt really guilty afterwards about not spending more time with him. I hope I haven't offended him.
Carried on to Braunston where we purchased some varnish, gloss for Iowner and silk for Dennis and a longer rope for the stern of Dennis. The existing one is showing signs of wear and I would hate for it to break while mooring up on the big rivers that we are planning to cruise this summer.
Noticed while cruising that the welding on the stern of Iowner is not fit for purpose. I had 'wings' welded on the top of the rudder to direct the water from the propeller downwards instead of upwards. This works wonderfully well. It is probably like go faster stripes on a car, purely psychological, but the boat seems to go faster easier with far less water disturbance. Also I can let go of the tiller without Iowner drifting off course as quickly as previously and I am no longer fighting to keep her in a straight line.
I also had a plate welded on the stern at counter level to restrict the tiller movement to 45 degrees either side of central, but it doesn't. One side is restricted but the other side slips past the plate and goes all the way around to 90 degrees, useless.

3rd host.boxing.cube - 7 miles 3 locks - Houlton

Early start to the day to get to Hillmorton in time collect Dennis and pay for the blacking. Had a chat with Deb of Grantham Boats and she agreed to get Iowner into the dry dock on Monday to correct the rudder restricter.


There and back, took Iowner along to Hillmorton to have the remedial work done, all sorted before lunch, paid my bill and back at Houlton by mid afternoon.


Collected new hearing aid moulds from the audiologist, they seem to work but only time will tell.

The new figurehead.

On our way but called in at Ashby Boats to sort out painting Iowner during the summer while I am away.
Got a bottle of gas for Dennis.

24th - Nutts Lane

It's about time I started to keep the diary up to date as we are about to start our summer holidays.
I collected a trickle charger from Hinckley that I ordered to keep the starter battery topped up. The existing solar panels should maintain the other batteries.

26th - 1½ miles - Bridge 14 Ashby Canal

Prepared Iowner for summer storage, cleaned and disinfected the fridge, jammed the door open and turned it off. Checked that the solar panels are functioning correctly, fitted the trickle charger for the starter battery and removed all no tinned food.

27th - 8 miles - Springwood Haven

Dropped Iowner of at my mooring, remembered to leave the washing machine door open. Turned off the water and gas. Moved the workbench that sits on the cruiser stern off the boat onto the mooring hard-standing. Is should make it easier for Mark to complete the painting and for him to collect and return Iowner to the moorings.
Called in at Nuneaton on the way past. my travelling companion got six new plates to replace the ones that I have managed to break in the past couple of weeks. They have a logo on the back that looks almost like the Crown Derby logo but as far as I can find out from the internet not quite right.

28th autumn.cobras.surcharge - 9 miles 11 locks - Atherstone Bottom Lock

Rang Mark to confirm colours for Iowner, rang Ellie to order two new ropes and a life jacket.
Stopped of in Atherstone to do a little shopping, including s needle threader so I can sew some hook and loop fastenings on my sandals and my travelling companion's slippers to prolong their life.
Made full use of the facilities at Atherstone and then got stuck behind a slow moving boat whose crew had never worked a lock before, so slow stately progress all the way down the flight, but as the weather was good today it was not a problem, after all, we all have to start sometime. It also helped to ease me back into the swing of things. I had been a little worried about working a flight of locks after a year off but it turned out fine.

29th plus.cycle.tested - 7 miles - Glascote Basin

Stopped off in Polesworth to get some yeast as the stuff I have is getting a bit old and seems not to be rising properly.
Called in on Ellie to get the ropes and life jacket. Showed her pictures of my bar stools and she thinks she might be able to sell them online.

30th sneezed.fortunate.cools - 2 locks 7 miles - Hopwas

Early start so we can moor up before the snow arrives. Spliced loops and handles on the two new ropes. The new ropes are for the centre of the boat as the existing ones, although long enough have joins in the middle and there is some concern that they might get snagged around a bollard when going down in some of the big locks we know we will be negotiating.

31st civic.remake.sunbeam - 7 miles - Fradley Junction

Early start again but only cruised for an hour before it started snowing and got too cold to continue.
Warmed up for an hour and set off again. Arrived at Fradley chilled to the bone at around midday and decided to call it a day and watch snooker for the rest of the afternoon.