6th Clifton Bridge 8½ miles 3 locks

Canal closed! Got here and there was a rope across the canal with a notice on it saying Canal Closed. It took me ages to find the official stoppage notification on the CRT web site. There is a huge pile of Hawthorn on the opposite bank so, because the canal is closed, I straddled the canal with my stern tied up on the tow path side and my prow wedged against the opposite bank. I managed to jerry Rig a landing pontoon for myself and tie up to a tree while I cherry picked the best of the Hawthorn, got enough to last me the rest of this year. It took me three days in total until I ran out of petrol for the chainsaw.

13th to 25th Moor Lane Bridge - 13 miles 6 locks

Pulled the boat backwards for a mile and a half to the water point at Hilmorton to fill up with water and use the facilities that are between the first and second locks then carried on through to Braunston where I caught the bus into Rugby for shopping and to go to the doctors for my asthma review.
Woke this morning to find I am thoroughly iced in, the Beast from the East has struck.