
Not much of note this month. The doctor prescribed a new inhaler. Stopped off at Rose Narrowboats as we were passing so that they could fit the new 'T' pieces that they had made for me. Doesn't sound much but a bigger deal that at first sight. A narrowboat os generally 7 ft wide. From the side to the cdntre 'T' piece is at least 3 ft 6 in, plus the distance from the bank, plus the fenders and so on. My reach is about 3ft at the best, so in normal circumstances I am over-reaching myself in trying to attach the mooring rope to the centre 'T' piece. Now I have a 'T' piece only a foot from the side of the boat, much easier to reach, and much safer.
Got some terrific pictures of a grass snake swimming the canal. Oh and we had a day out on the Battlefield railway from Shackerstone to Market Bosworth and back, a pleasant time was had by all.