

Blackthorn Blossom.
6th park.wedge.speech - 13 miles - Lloyds Bridge

Stopped off today at the farm shop at Bosworth Fields Aqueduct. We had never tried this one before but decided to give it a try. We had been told that they did venison for dog food at a reasonable rate.
I went along there and found that it was the same establishment that called itself Battlefield Blades. The proprietor was the guy that I had given a couple of very old tools to last year by way of a guy called Andy that we got to know. Anyway, after a long chat about the tools and the other things that he dealt in I purchased a couple of bags of dog food venison and he threw in a hare that had freezer burn. A nice treat for D'fer for a few days.

7th glass.ports.libraries - 5½ miles 1 lock - Ansty Waste Bridge

On our way back to Rugby we passed some blackthorn trees just coming into blossom. They are one of the first to produce their flowers and can be so prolific that once the petals drop off the canal can look as if it has a layer or snow or ice on it.

8th finger.frozen.shift - 10 miles - Tesco Rugby

Got my second jab today so I should be good to go in three weeks time. Must bear in mind that my travelling companion has not had hers yet so is still vulnerable and I should not expose her to infection, so still maintain social distancing with all other people.

9th grading.scrambles.estimates - 7 miles - Colehurst Farm

Did a click and collect at Tesco and a quick shop in Iceland for their frozen trout. Got a bone for D'fer as a treat.

A tree silhouetted against the sky.
15th - 8 miles - Wharf Meadows

Got up this morning and helped D'fer off the boat. He managed to drag his hind quarters along the tow path for a short way, peeing all the time. Then he just about got his back end up high enough to have a poo without actually sitting in it. Decision time has come and it is a hard decision but his quality of life is such that I have to do the right thing by him. I should not anthropomorphize but it feels as if every time he looks at me he is saying "You have always made everything right for me in the past, please make this right for me now." and there is only one way that I can think of to make it all right for him, so rang the vet and organised a visit for tomorrow.

16th remaining.shampoo.taxed - 8 miles - Basin Bridge Lane

This morning when my travelling companion took D'fer outside she reluctantly agreed that I was not over-reacting. We were both very upset. Cruised to Nutts Lane, which is a five minutes walk from the vet's surgery. The vet came and picked D'fer up and took him to the surgery while we walked there, social distancing and all that. D'fer could not have walked on his own. my travelling companion asked if there could be a window or door open in the surgery while the injection was taking place so his soul could escape into the open air and the vet suggested that we could all be in the back of the van with the doors open.
It was all very quick and physically painless, less so emotionally.
Back at Dennis we moved on as we did not want to stay there overnight.


Delivery from Sainsbury's.

18th often.brink.means - 1 mile - Dadlington Picnic Area

23rd working.closets.nips - 4 miles - Hooks Bridge

30th daily.unpainted.coyboys - 1½ miles - Market Bosworth

Doesn't seem much to write about at the moment as D'fer is not around to jolly us up and give us something to do.
Delivery from Tesco organised for tomorrow.