

Once carried 48 telephone cables.
1st hotels.soaks.sounds - 9 miles - Hawkesbury Farm

Moored up just past Sutton Stop. Facilities all occupied so continued on without using them. We are heading for Atherstone and can do all the good stuff there. Rang the census help line to organise a census form, oh, what a palaver. See the full story here.

2nd fingernails.matchbox.crop - 9½ miles Rose Hill Farm

These new antibiotics taste awful. Pleasant days cruising, nice and sunny if still a little on the chilly side.

4th range.desire.novel - 9 miles - Hawkesbury Farm

Cruised into Nuneaton for my travelling companion to have her first jab. Moored up close enough to walk into town and find the pharmacy and walk back again. Didn't want to stay in Nuneaton so carried on towards Sutton Stop.

5th office.screening.paint - 6 miles 1 lock - Grimes Bridge

Good days cruising and pulled over before the cold got in the way of a pleasant journey.

7th fruit.loudly.perky - 7 miles - Brownsover Facilities

Back at Rugby again, my goodness we have been doing a lot of back and forth. Did another 'click and collect' shop.

8th warblers.tasks.windmill - 4½ miles - All Oaks Wood

Up early, telephone appointment with the doctor- 'What next with the swollen leg?'. Apparently it's some blood tests, so collected blood test forms from surgery.
Cruised along to Brinklow doing some washing on the way while my travelling companion took the helm,. From Brownsover Facilities we can either go along to Hillmorton to tuen around (5 miles round trip), or reverse about three hundred yards and turn around in a winding hole that fits a 60ft boat. Dennis is 57' 6", se we just makeit. We did stop off and get some ash logs beside the canal that were comparatively easy to get to.
Booked in for the blood tests at a pharmacy in Longford which is within easy walking distance of the canal so need to be at Sutton Stop for tomorrow.

9th cubs.petty.shorts - 9 miles 1 lock - Sutton Stop

Moved to Sutton stop, saw our second lot of new born lambs on the way. Walked to the pharmacy for the blood tests. Apparently I should have booked in for two sessions as I had two blood test forms, but the nurse did them both anyway.While we were there I took the loos to the elsan point for disposal leaving D'fer on the boat as his mobility is becoming very restricted and I did not want to stress him. On the way back I spotted a couple of girls with a dog just like D'fer until I realised that it was D'fer. He had struggled off the boat and tried to come and find me but just could not manage the bridge or the lock walkway. Rescued him and we walked slowly back to Dennis where I helped him back on board.

14th deaf.modest.prompting - 3½ miles - Lloyds Bridge

Paused on our way to my moorings. I have been quietly worrying about Iowner as I did not turn off the water before I left and it has been rather cold of late. The concern is that if the water in the instant water heat freezes and bursts a pipe the water pump will empty the water tank into the boat- not a nice thought.

15th almost.cans.slick - 2½ miles - Burton Hastings

Back at my mooring. Iowner A OK, no leaks thank goodness. Caught up with loads of washing. Made and fitted turnbuckles for the hatch covers for Dennis. Fitted the blind over the sink in Dennis.


More washing, fitted blind over cooker. Glued the sound deadening under the sink that had come adrift. Drilled air holes in the side of the sink cupboard to give a good airflow through the cupboard to ensure it stays dry and mould free.

17th jobs.hugs.glue - 4 miles - Nutts Lane

Cruised along to Nutts Lane where we are expecting a Sainsbury's delivery tomorrow. Stopped off at Hydes Lane where we filled up both boats with water. More washing. I had noticed that the left hand gas locker cover was beginning to show signs of weathering so has sanded it down ready for a repaint. Got the first coat of primer on today.

View from the boat.
18th aced.hairspray.efficient - 2 miles - Barn Lane Bridge

The little cruising that we have done has highlighted those little alterations that will make life so much easier. So lots of little jobs around Dennis.
Sainsbury's delivery arrived on time.


Processed the wood that we collected on the way out of Rugby a couple of weeks ago, now we can burn it. Got a couple of coats of undercoat on the gas locker cover. Put pins in the side hatch screen so that they lock in position and can be held up firmly by the turnbuckles, works really well.


Finished the hatch screens for Dennis. Sanded the window frames on Iowner and varnished them. I am sure that they have not been touched since commissioning in 2000/1 and are in need of a little tlc. Washed the windows and re-fitted a window seal that was beginning to pull away from the frame.
I have been trying to set up a blog with no success so far. The instructions make it sound really easy but perhaps I am expecting too much as the blog I wrote all those years ago when I first got on Almyne was totally my own and set up so that I could modify it on a daily basis with very little effort. I'll get something sorted out.

Back doors and Rear Deck.

I have organised getting Iowner in at Ashby Boats to have some work done on the rear deck which includes replacing the existing drainage piping with proper channels. The aim of this is to prevent water overflowing the existing channel and ending up in the bilges. Currently the channels overflow because the drainage holes are only about a half inch in diameter and the first leaf or twig that falls on the back deck and gets washed into the channel blocks the hole leaving nowhere else for the water to go but the bilges.

28th ratty.framework.whisker - 2½ miles - Dadlington Picnic Area

Booked a shopping delivery for Dadlington picnic area for Tuesday.

29th leaps.signs.reinforce - 2½ miles - South of Sutton Wharf

Dropped Iowner off at Ashby Boats for the rear deck replacement, straightening the front Tee piece, and to get the engine sorted out (I think the head gasket might have gone, I am getting oil in the water but no water in the oil and I keep losing water). While we were there discussed the ELCB problem on Dennis with Mark and sorted out a solution.
Carried on to the farm shop only to discover that they are closed on a Monday, everybody needs at least one day a week off.
Oops, had to move, ran out of water so scooted off to Sutton Wharf, did all the facilities things and moved a little way back.

30th ratty.framework.whisker - 1 mile - Dadlington Picnic Area

Back again in time for the delivery. A funny thing happened with the solar panel controller today, it turned itself off. The only thing I can think of is that it got overloaded by too much electricity from the six panels and loads of sunshine.

Lovely sunset. Zion Church a local landmark.
31st dreamers.argued.champions - 4½ miles Fox Bridge

Woke this morning to find Tally Ho (a narrow boat) straddling the canal. Overnight someone had cast it adrift and it had floated away from it's mooring. I managed to get a rope to it and pull it in far enough to get it moored up again. Dadlington picnic area is a favourite haunt for the local youths and unattended boats are a prime target for mischief. Phoned Canal and River Trust giving them details the the boat and asked them to contact the owner and let them know that Tally Ho had been cast adrift but I had rescued her and that the mooring that he had chosen was not a good one for unattended boats. They must have done this as I got a message from CRT saying that the owner was grateful for my intervention.
Carried on our way to Fox Bridge, one of our favourite haunts and somewhere that D'fer can get on and off the boat comparatively easily.