


I was sitting at my computer this afternoon working on the web site when a mouse dirt fell on my keyboard. I looked up, even though I do not believe that mice fly, but could see nothing on the ceiling. On closer examination I spotted a mouse sitting on the mesh that covers the air vent in the ceiling.
Now therein lies a challenge. I cannot take the top off the vent from outside the boat. It must be done from inside by taking the mesh off the vent hole. If I just take the mesh off the mouse will inevitably fall into the boat and run off into some corner never to be seen again until I catch it in a trap.
I ended up getting a bamboo skewer and gently lifting the mouse up until it could reach the outside of the vent and scamper off across the roof to somewhere else. Perhaps I need to assess the state of the top boxes and other items on the roof to make sure I do not have a whole colony of mice up there.


No, I am quite safe I do not have a colony of mice anywhere on the boat.