Green woodworking.
2nd Wire Lock 2 yards 2 locks

Set up my green woodworking tools and had fun. A guy called Graham who is part of the canal ministry stopped by and chatted for a while and offered to let me have a metal vice, four panel saws a plane and an adze blade as his father had died and he wanted to find a good home for the tools. Nothing ever happened about it but the thought was there.

Trout stream.

Walked into Hungerford to get my medications. We have walked into Hungerford a few times whilst we have been here, the route takes us past a gravel stream perfect for trout and we have seen some quite big ones in the water. Then past some common land that has a variety of meadow flowers accompanied by many different butterflies.

27th Sam Farmer Lock 8½ miles 19 locks 2 swing bridges

Valda, my travelling companion's sister and Ginni a friend of hers visited while we were still at Wire lock. Valda has spent time with my travelling companion on her boat in the past and Ginni has her own narrow boat but is not using it at the moment.
The following day we packed up and headed for Crofton, the summit level of the Kennet and Avon canal.
At Great Bedwyn we made use of the disabled moorings as there were no other spaces available. We did check with The Bruce Trust first.
Took the bus into Marlborough for the day and did some provision shopping while we were there before finally getting to Crofton.