Kestral on a live pidgeon.
1st to 31st

More of the same, my verruca has been playing up and because I cannot bend round far enough to see where I am putting the gel my travelling companion has agreed to put it on for me so I might be able to get rid ofit before the new year!
Progress on Dreamcatcher is going well and we should be able to go cruising next year if the lockdown permits.
We were privileged ('cause there cannot be many people who will have seen this) to see a moorhen attacking a pidgeon. It was jumping in the air and hitting out at the pidgeon with its feet, like a cock fight, until the pidgeon was sufficiently disabled that it no longer fought back. At this point the moorhen wandered off and a kestral, spotting an easy meal, swooped down, settled on the pidgeon and started eating it. Quite gruesome but most interesting and enlightening. Apparently moorhens are a very aggressive bird and intensly territorial.