
Another week gone past, I think that the arrival of Stephen has become a time marker as it is the only thing that breaks into my routine of working on Dreamcatcher. Paid this and last weeks bill.


Mark Spencer removed old fire, installed new fire (a bit of a hiccup as he had ordered the wrong fire but he managed to get that sorted in time to complete the job). The old chimney hole made good (It is impossible to see where the old chimney was.) Fitted skin fittings for the sink and wash hand basin in their new positions. Fabricated the frame for the solar panels. Moved the leisure batteries into the engine bay releasing the locker for other things.(Spare cassette, chains, mooring pins.) Fabricated and fitted two 'T' pieces for the front of the boat, fitted either side so that there is no longer the neccessity of leaning halfway across the canal to get to the mooring T.
His wife did the tiling to a plan that my travelling companion had set out and photographed.


Last delivery of shopping by Stephen Carter if the supermarket delivery works tomorrow.
Ordered Solar panels and fittings.

12th Bridge 37

First online Tesco order. Seemed to go OK, they found us at the bridge although I did have to stand in the road and wave at the driver.


Another online Tesco order

21st Turn around

Filled up with water (Market Bosworth). Placed and order with Midland Chandlers for paint for the roof, a gas cooker hose, filler and owatrol(an additive for paint that makes it easier to apply in the heat). All for painting the roof. Dog food delivery from The Pet Store.

25th Bridge 37

Another week, another delivery. Tesco delivery 8-9 pm, a bit late but it is still light at this time of the evening.