1st,2nd Brownsover facilities

Doctors, prescribed Amlodipine for high blood pressure, 10mg once a day.


Started the first day of the rest of my life on medication, Amlodipine.


Preparing to go wooding, my travelling companion has spotted an ash tree that has fallen down the bank on the tow path side about three hundred yards short of Clifton Cruisers so we think we might just have a go at it tomorrow.

5th Hillmorton 4 miles

Stopped off on our way to Hillmorton to get the fallen ash tree. First we had to climb down the bank to get to it, then I had to cut it up into manageable pieces and then we had top get it back up the bank to the tow path. Once on the tow path my travelling companion was taking it those three hundred yards along the tow path to the boats on a pair of wheels while I stood guard over our stash.
We were struggling with one of the 'manageable' pieces when a strapping youth asked if we needed any help, We accepted and he bounced down the bank, threw this large log on one shoulder and fairly leapt up the bank with it, now I know I am getting old.
I reckoned that we had managed to get about a ton of wood, should keep us going for a while


Had a temperature and was shivery all night, eased off about 8am. Shivering returned about 10am, continued till midday.


Still taking blood pressure readings.


13kg gas, 8 bags of coal. We might have a ton and a half of wood but we can never tell when we might get some more, so I deem it prudent to have some coal on board.


Up at 4:50am for the loo, back to bed with my woolly hat on. Dreamt of elephants of all sizes in a field in vivid technicolor. Spreadeagled people being picked up by trees, totally wrapped in webbing and waved by the branches, all the while smiling broadly.


Medication regime - Amlodipine 10mg, Ramipril 5mg, Montelucast, Beclomethasone/Dipropionate inhale as and when.


Saw nurse with blood pressure readings, asked about having my ears syringed.