1st Preston Bagot
2nd Lowsonford 2 miles , 8 locks

Caught the Monday bus into Solihull to do some shopping, it only goes on Mondays and Thursdays. Sorted the water and the rubbish.


Caught the Thursday bus into Solihull.

7th Kingswood Junction 2 miles, 7 locks
8th Hatton 5½ miles
11th Hatton Flight 2 miles, 16 locks
12th Tesco, Warwick 2 miles, 7 locks

13kg gas at Kate Boats, shopping at Tesco

13th Radford Road Bridge 2 miles
14th Welsh Road Lock 3 miles, 6 locks

Scrumping, loads of apples and some damsons

17th Long Itchington 2 miles, 4 locks

Boots in Leamington absolutely useless. Got a meal deal from the Cooperative, two pizzas and a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream for £4. Trouble is we didn't want the ice cream, after all two pizzas for £4 is a good deal on it's own. We tried to give the ice cream away. The first guy we offered it to was sitting on the pavement making little gewgaws to sell but he politely refused on the basis that it was too cold to want to eat ice cream. After several abortive attempts we accosted another guy at the bus stop and offered him the tub ice cream. He asked how much we wanted for it so we explained that it was surplus to requirements and we were giving it away. His wife was dubious nut eventually he accepted it and the next time we saw him he was sat on the bus tucking into it.

18th Stockton Top Lock 1 mile, 10 locks
21st Braunston 8 miles, 3 locks
29th Young Offenders Institute 3 miles

Collected loads of sweet chestnuts.

30th Moors Bridge 3 miles