1st Park Lane Facilities

Finished making the mallet - well pleased. Progress on shaving horse. Started chisel wrack. Shopping in Leek - collected spade end connectors and push connectors to make switches. Black and Decker bit the dust today, ordered a new drill.

2nd Park Lane Facilities

Fitted 'push to make' switch in solar panel cupboard. Shaving horse now usable. Used it to make the legs for this shaving horse. Shopping in Leek, got a stepped drill bit. Fitted extra light strip in workshop.

3rd Park Lane Facilities

Moved cupboard from workshop to bedroom, remade it on the way.

4th Park Lane Facilities

Shopping in Leek for 'Old Spot' sausages -not in till Saturday so will have to make do with something else. Collected drill, chain saw chains discovered sharpening stones. Ordered lino. Finished shaving horse (sort of, will probably never be finished finished as there will always be changes and modifications to be made).

5th Park Lane Facilities

Sawed wood. Prepared for lino delivery. Gas and coal delivery 13kg gas and 2 x 20 kg coal.

8th Park Lane Facilities

Lino delivered and laid in workshop.

9th Park Lane Facilities

Progress with pole lathe. Put lino down in wet locker. Went into Leek to get a threshold, fitted it. Sewed an old trainer onto the button at the front of the boat, now I use a foot to fend off from the locks. Started steps for the cratch using the doors off the gate leg table.

10th Park Lane Facilities

Into Leek to collect the grinder/honer.

11th Boat Club 1 mile

Moved today. Lost the cratch in the process. As I approached a bridge hole I got the sun in my eyes and misjudged my position. Just caught he top left corner of the woodwork but that was enough to totally demolish the framework . Spent the rest of the day dismantling the debris, tidying it up making the steps for the cratch doors.

12th Boat Club

Continued work on the pole lathe. Started sharpening the drawer knives. Collected wrist braces from Argos. Checked that Richard can park in gateway Monday or Wednesday. Poppet stocks finished (the bits that the wood turns on) and made a good start on the tool rest.

13th Boat Club

Worked on Pole lathe. Fitted tunnel lights. Moved table and stools onto my travelling companion's boat so she can check them out, so far she likes them.

14th Boat Club

Finished pole lathe. Got rind of two of the folding chairs that came with the gate leg table on Forty Two and a directors chair. Solar panels charging at over 8 amps at one point.

15th Boat Club

Fitted horn. More work on pole lathe.

16th Boat Club

Finished pole lathe (again) with bungee hooks in the ceiling. Works sort of , need chisels to test it,

17th Boat Club

Log sawing and splitting. Ice on cut. Made a tool rest for lathe. Collected chisels.

18th Boat Club

Pole lathe works. Broke treadle- made a new one. Could be improved. Ice on cut. Shortened one of the cratch curtains so that it no longer drags on the floor and sewed 2p pieces into the lining to weight it down.

19th Boat Club

Tool rest iffy -sorted design for a better on. Shopping for Sunday dinner.

20th Boat Club

Shopping for 10mm threaded rod. Looks like I am not getting table and chairs back from my travelling companion. Changed cassette.

21st Boat Club to Park Lane for water and back. Got rid of rubbish, emptied cassette. Disposed of kneeling chair.
22nd Boat Club

Split logs with sharpened hatchet, surprisingly good. I think it is an old hatchet that has been ground right down till it is more like a maul than a hatchet, anyway, it works really well. Made a template for a stove top. The stove on Forty Two has a roof like top with no room to use it for cooking on. The idea is to make a plate that sits on top of the existing fire so that pots and pans can sit on it. Walked down to Stockton Brook - bot a good place for Richard to visit so will have to stay here for a few more days.

23rd Boat Club

Did a puzzle, topped up water on Olive.

24th Boat Club

Went for a walk. Ordered water pump. Went into Leek to get my mobile phones adjusted, something not working right. Started another puzzle.

25th Boat Club

Into Leek for dog food and vegetables. Carried on with yesterdays puzzle.

26th Boat Club

Finished puzzle. Went shopping in Leek.

27th Boat Club

Tried the market in Leek today, nothing of particular interest.

28th Boat Club

Collected water pump from Argos (click and collect), fitted it. Let D'fer out for a wee wee, took forever. I called and called. Eventually I just said in a normal voice "I have some biscuits" and he flew through the doorway, nothing wrong with his hearing.

29th Boat Club

Just about to set off wooding when I spotted a vole on a raft of grass in the canal. It did not look very happy so I got my landing net and lifted it out, complete with the raft of grass and put it in the hedge. It sat there for several minutes, presumably sussing out it's new surroundings, before it plucked up the courage to wander off into new territory. Carried on wooding and collected enough wood to last a couple of weeks. I have been getting a cheese from the Farm to Shop shop called Fiery Dragon, it melts in the mouth like chocolate. Changed the cassette. Although the Caldon Canal was very pleasant for a winter stopover, albeit lacking in TV, radio and internet signal, the metalled towpath was a nightmare due to the excessive volume of grit brought on to the boat by shoes and paws and the chalky residue that accompanied it tramped everywhere.