Foxton Flight.
3rd Smeeton Aqueduct 6½ miles 10 locks 2 swing bridges.

I've been promising myself I would move the washing machine for a while now and when I tried it in the new location I had chosen I found that the space is about a quarter of an inch too narrow so I will have to find a way of making the cupboard a tiny bit wider.
Had to wait at Kilby Lock for it to be opened after remedial works have been completed.


Water pump playing up so got a new one. Got the boat yard to drill a hole for the outflow for the washing machine in it's new location. Re positioned the water pump under the kitchen sink instead of under my travelling companion's bed.
Topped up with diesel. The fuel pump is on a working boat hull moored on the opposite side of the canal to the tow path and in the flow of the weir outlet making access a bit of a trial but we mamaged it without mishap.

20th Loughborough 6 miles 2 locks

Nice cruise into Loughborough in the sunshine. We seem to have had a good year so far for weather although it is still only April.


We had planned for a day out on the Great Central Railway which is the only main line heritage railway running from Loughborough to Leicester, which would have been enough excitement for the day but when we got to Quorn and Woodhouse there was a steam rally complete with fairground carousels.
We just had to stop of and have a go on the roundabout, record the fairground organ and just drink in the atmosphere. Ever since we bumped in to Carel's youngest at Cheddleton I expect to see him at every steam function but not this time.
Tried out the 1940's tea room and the NAAFI (actually the Navy Army Air Force Institutes) but normally recognised as a place to eat.
The range of full size and model steam engines of all shapes and designs was a wonder to behold, I have never seen so many all together at the same place before.

24th Kegworth 6 miles 4 locks
26th Shardlow 6 1/4 miles 5 locks
27th Fine Georges Bridge 3 miles 2 locks
29th Willington 8 miles 2 locks
30th Alrewas 12 miles 6 locks