A wooden boat.
4th Bridge 109 11 miles

Braunston and back to make use of the facilities.


Went in to Leamington via Southam. While in Leamington we decided that we would have pizza for dinner and popped in to the local coop where they had an offer on of two pizza's and a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream for a fiver - too good to miss, even though we did not want the ice cream. We offered the ice cream to a guy who was sitting on the pavement making stuff to sell but he refused saying he was cold enough as it was. While standing at the bus stop we offered the ice cream to several other people all of whom refused. Eventually we offered it to a guy who asked 'How much?'. We assured him that it was free, and explained why. His wife obviously did not want anything to do with it but he eventually accepted our gift and a few moments later we spotted him sitting on a bus tucking into the ice cream. It is so difficult to give stuff away as people are so suspicious, a real indictment on modern day society.


Caught the bus into Southam to do some more shopping.

13th Bridge 99 - 6 miles

Progress in the preparation of Olive for sale going ahead quite well. Looked at a boat, Bobs Dream but it was mouldy inside so decided against it.

16th Braunston 3 1/4 miles

Used the facilities and topped up with coal and gas.


Caught the bus into Daventry to go shopping for puzzles, I have done all the puzzles that I have as well as those that my travelling companion has and I need something different. Found two, one a scene of old traction engines working a plough across a field with a steam train in the background and the other a picture of an old American school house with the horse drawn school bus delivering children to it. They should keep me occupied for a day or two.


Fuel boat came past so topped up with diesel. A couple from Lechlade viewed Olive and seemed very interested, said that they would get back to us. They run a building company.

23rd Braunston 1 1/4 miles


The couple from Lechlade made an offer which my travelling companion accepted. Richard visited to count all the money for us as during his time running the pub he developed the ability to 'feel' forgeries. The buyers were a couple that ran a building company and had been squirrelling away the cash from 'rabbits' for a number of years. Richard took my travelling companion in to Rugby to deposit the money in her bank account as she did not feel comfortable having several thousand pounds hanging around the boat. Now we can look for something else in earnest.

26th Rugby 9 miles 3 locks.

Used the facilities.

28th Brinklow 4½ miles

Got new batteries fitted by Rue Yates from Armada Boat Hire.