Arrived at County Hall, Nottingham after an exciting trip along the Trent, it's allways exciting on such a large river.
Spent the day wandering around town. Walked in one of the parks and my travelling companion was accosted by a gentleman who wanted to compliment her on the dress she was wearing. Got chatting to him, apparently he directs plays in the local theatres.
Had a day out on the trams. I like trams, I think it is a bit of nostalgia creaping in, reminding me of travelling on a tram as a very young child. Checking with Blynda we visited aunty Sheila, dad's sister, who lived in Nottingham at the time. Unfortunately Nottingham stopped running trams in 1936, so it wasn't here that I remember, perhaps it was Southend where trolleybuses lasted until 28 October 1954, or maybe Sheffield where trams still ran until 1960. The trams were a bit different then though.
Watched Notts County draw against Solihull.
Visited the Frameworks Museum where we learnt how to put a heel in a sock. It's really quite clever and illustrates how modern 'heelless' socks wear out so quickly compared to socks made properly. Not only that, properly made socks can be darned.
6th to 13th Nottingham to Bridge 87 North Oxford, 93 miles 73 locks
my travelling companion has decided that we should make haste and get to Olive in time to do some painting and prepare the boat for sale before the end of the year, so holiday over travelling begins.
Rain stopped travelling on the 9th for the day.
Going back the way we started out all those months ago, it seems like a lifetime with all the adventures that we have had.
13th Bridge 87 North Oxford 16 1/4 miles 13 locks.
Picked up Olive and cruised back to Bridge 87 where my travelling companion is preparing Olive for a coat of paint.

Having lived with my workbench in my bedroom for the past year I decided that it would be better somewhere else so moved it onto the back deck where it seems to fit quite nicely and no longer gets in my way. Had to do something while my travelling companion is thoroughly occupied painting her boat.
16th Brownsover 11 miles 3 locks
Went into town and purchased a couple of chests of drawers and organised delivery for tomorrow.
Chests of drawers delivered and I managed to get them in my bedroom before the end of the day.
18th Bridge 87 (again) 9 miles 3 locks
Did the facilities on the way, not so easy at Hillmorton as the elsan disposal and the rubbish bins are quite a long way from where it is possible to moor up.
Still at Bridge 87 but did go into Braunston and back. Got a battery for the gennie and some paint and accessories for my travelling companion while we were there.
I had thought that the old gennie battery was defunct but having put it on charge for a while is now seems to be holding a charge perfectly well, so perhaps it is not duff after all. Guess I'll keep it as a spare.
26th Brownsover 11 miles 3 locks
Shopping, needs must and I have an appointment, with the nurse in the morning.
27th Bridge 87 9 miles 3 locks
Annual checkup with the nurse, all OK but wants me to provide her with BP readings for a while. Back to Olive and my travelling companion