1st Bridge 88 400 yards


6 mile round trip in to Braunston to use the facilities and do some shopping.

9th Hillmorton (Kings Bridge) 13 miles 3 locks

Went into Rugby to do some shopping and go to the hospital so they could take some blood and motored back to Hillmorton.

10th Bridge 88 7 miles 3 locks

Spent most of the morning looking for the apple tree that we came across a couple of years ago but to no avail. Asked a couple of guys who were working in the woods and one of them knew of it but could not remember where it was.


With Olive ready for viewing I built a web site detailing the virtues of the boat and describing all the features and attributes. Inserted and advertisement on the Apollo Duck website with brief details of Olive and linked it to the web site I had built.

15th to 28th 26 miles 6 locks

Cruising between Braunston and Brownsover.
Working on Olive, working on the web site, doing puzzles, reading, lighting the fire, just existing at the moment, waiting for the world to start again.

29th Bridge 109 5½ miles

This location is convenient for the road so people can come and view Olive easily. There has been a bit of interest and one couple came and had a look but the male part of the couple was over six foot tall so decided that the bed would not accommodate him.