
Iowner carries on my boating life from Almyne.

I sold Almyne in May 2015 and purchased Forty Two.
Almyne had served me very well for over 6 years, but the opportunity presented itself for me to invest in a more modern piece of equipment, so this is the result.
Built in 2000 by Dave Clark it was fitted out by the owner to a reasonable standard and lent itself admirably to being modified to suit my needs.
Many comments on the name relating to "The meaning of life, the universe and everything", which kind of galled with me because-
In the radio series and the first novel, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought seven and a half million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. Deep Thought points out that the answer seems meaningless because the beings who instructed it never knew what the question was.
The answer is simple and neat, but the problem was the question itself: it was vague and unhelpful.
So, I changed the name to Iowner, simply because I own er.